Badger Productions is a hybrid agency dedicated to audiovisual productions that focus on content, on conveying a message, on storytelling.
We never simply create images and films. Together with you, we find the best way to bring your message, to choose the right words and the most powerful images.
You can count on our support for the entire production, from brainstorming to broadcasting.
We can handle productions in English, French, and Dutch.
Badger Productions is also your ideal partner for photoshoots, 2-D or 3-D animations, motion design, webinars, conference shoots, media training, etc.
Badger Productions has just celebrated its 10th anniversary.
We are looking forward to helping you with all your video needs.
Our production office is ideally located in Brussels, close to the E40 motorway and right in the heart of the media district.
We like to have you with us during the editing of your video, as your input will help us to make the right choices and to work faster.
Parking is easy and free, we have great coffee, and it gets you out of the office, right? We are expecting your visit!
No sh*t leaves the shop
In our profession, every production could be the last one. We are always judged on our most recent achievement. As a result, every production must be better than the previous one, no matter what. No sh*t leaves the shop.
There are no small clients
A video project is like a baby. You need to give it your undivided attention. That is how we deal with every project as well, regardless of the scale of the production.
Badger Productions is not a big production house. That means that we are versatile, flexible, and responsive. You need something tomorrow? Let’s talk about it – nothing is impossible.
Just like you, we are concerned about the planet and our environmental impact. That is why we launched the “1% for the planet” initiative.
It’s a straightforward concept: we propose adding 1% to the total amount of your invoice to compensate for the carbon footprint of your production (travel, energy, material, etc.). The choice is yours. If you accept, that is great. If not, that is fine too, it will come out of our margin.
We collaborate with, an organisation that plants trees in strategic areas. We have opted to contribute to reforestation in Brazil.